How can we help?

**PAGE UPDATED 21/09/2020 at 9:45AM**

We know this is a hugely difficult time for everyone in the community and we’re continuing to monitor the current situation to get a fuller picture about the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on community sport.

Valley Sport is working with our Regional Sport Victoria colleagues around two immediate priorities over this period:

  • Supporting the sector to ensure it comes through this period in as strong a position as possible 
  • Doing everything we can to encourage people to stay active, wherever possible, which we think is now more important than ever. 

We will continue to work with you to understand the ongoing and future impact of coronavirus and we want to make sure that whatever action we take has the greatest positive impact. So, we want to hear from you now about the issues you’re facing and to take on board these ideas and concerns to feed into our plans.

We know that:

  • It will be difficult for your club, league or association to run and host programs or events as planned
  • The timings of your season are most likely changing
  • People in your community are likely to be anxious, and will probably want to be continuing with their sport participation
  • More generally, you may be interested in alternative operations to respond to the current situation and to keep your organisation going

We are offering Valley Sport as a point of contact for clubs, leagues, associations and individuals within Goulburn Valley.  We probably wont have the answer straight away, but will commit to helping try and navigate this situation as best we can.

Please contact us via and let us know:

  • How coronavirus is impacting you or your organisation?
  • The type of help you think would be most beneficial?

Please keep in touch with us via the above email address as you or your club’s situation changes.

Covid-19 Links & Information for Goulburn Valley Community Sport

Sport & Recreation Victoria
Sport Website Covid-19 Position/Statement  
Athletics Athletics Victoria
Little Athletics Victoria
Archery Archery Victoria
Australian football AFL Victoria
Badminton Badminton Victoria
Baseball Baseball Victoria
Basketball Basketball Victoria
Biathlon Australian Biathlon Association
Billiards and Snooker Victorian Billiards and Snooker Association
Bicycle Motocross BMX Victoria
Bocce Bocce Federation of Victoria
Bowls Bowls Victoria
Boxing Boxing Victoria
Calisthenics Calisthenics Victoria
Climbing Sport Climbing Victoria
Canoeing Canoeing Victoria
Cricket Cricket Victoria
Croquet Croquet Victoria
Cycling Cycling Victoria
Dancesport Dancesport Victoria·
Darts Darts Victoria
Diving Diving Victoria
Dragon Boat Dragon Boat Victoria
Eightball Pool Victoria
Equestrian Equestrian Victoria
Pony Club Victoria
Fencing Fencing Victoria
Flying Disc Ultimate Victoria
Football (Soccer) Football Federation Victoria
Gliding Victorian Soaring Association·
Golf Golf Victoria
Gridiron Gridiron Victoria·
Gymnastics Gymnastics Victoria
Handball Handball Victoria
Hang gliding and paragliding Victorian Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association 
Hockey Hockey Victoria
Ice sports Ice Sports Victoria
Judo Judo Victoria 
Karate Karate Victoria 
Kendo Victorian Kendo Renmei 
Kung Fu Kung Fu Wushu
Lacrosse Lacrosse Victoria
Life saving Life Saving Victoria
Modern pentathlon Modern Pentathlon Victoria
Motorsport Confederation of Australian Motor Sport
Motorcycling Motorcycling Victoria
Mountain Bike Mountain Bike Australia
Netball Netball Victoria
Orienteering Orienteering Victoria
Outrigger canoe racing Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association – Southern States
Parachuting Victorian/Tasmanian Parachute Council 
Power boat racing Australian Power Boat Association -Victorian Council
Roller sports Skate Victoria
Rowing Rowing Victoria
Rugby league NRL Victoria
Rugby union Victorian Rugby Union
Sailing Australian Sailing
Shooting Victorian Amateur Pistol Association
Victorian Clay Target Association
Target Rifle Victoria
Skateboarding Victorian Skateboarding Association 
Snowsports Ski and Snowboard Australia
Softball Softball Victoria·
Squash Squash and Racquetball Victoria
Surfing Surfing Victoria
Swimming Swimming Victoria
Synchronised swimming Victorian Synchronised Swimming
Table tennis Table Tennis Victoria
Tennis Tennis Victoria
Tenpin bowling Tenpin Bowling Victoria
Touch Touch Victoria (Touch Football) 
Triathlon Triathlon Victoria·         Latest website status
Underwater hockey Victorian Underwater Hockey Commission 
Volleyball Volleyball Victoria
Water polo Water Polo Victoria
Waterski Victorian Waterski and Wakeboard Federation 
Weightlifting Victorian Weightlifting Association
Wrestling Victorian
Wrestling Association

FAQs for Community Sport

Not how it has in the past.  Community sport has been designated as a non-essential mass gathering.  As such community sport is not able to operate.

On 30/03/2020 the Victorian Premier announced that Victoria was implementing Stage 3 restrictions.  There is now the ability for clubs & individuals in breach of the State directions to receive on the sport fines.

It is recommended that all clubs refer to their State or National Sport Association’s position in the table we provided above.  This will have the most up to date information around potential start-up dates

Club’s should also check with their Local Government as the recent tightening of restrictions has meant that Council’s have closed access to recreation reserves, parks & gardens.

Valley Sport, with our Regional Sport Victoria colleagues, is in the process of developing a range of tools to help clubs stay connected, and utilise technology to function.

Please contact us at and we would be more than happy to help support your club through this.

No this is not possible under the current Victorian directions.  As per previous activities at your venue, operating a club activity, even if informal may void any insurance coverage your members are entitled to.  Further to this, if people breach these directions, they face on-the-spot fines of $1,652 for individuals and $9,913 for businesses. Larger fines can also be issued through the courts.

Yes, exercise is still possible under the current Government directions, as long as:

  • compliance with social gatherings is adhered to
  • You can only exercise with people that live at your same premises, or alternatively one other person with whom you do not reside with but must maintain 1.5m & other social distancing guidelines.
  • You must not travel for exercise, only from your residence/premesis

Please do not participate in activities which risks you getting injured which may distract medical services from the current community crisis.

We don’t know.

The current Victorian State of Emergency has been set until midnight 13 April 2020.  Due to the rapidly changing nature of this pandemic it is probable that this will be extended.

Both our Federal and State Government have announced a range of economic stimulus packages to help survive the impacts of Covid-19.

New announcements are continuing to be made, we will endeavor to keep this list up to date.  There is also advocacy happening around a sport specific stimulus package.

To check your clubs’ eligibility register with Business Victoria and also see the Australian Government’s announcement.

Councils providing financial assistance:

Greater Shepparton City Council
Murrindindi Shire Council 
Moira Shire Council 

Here at Valley Sport:

Our priority is the health and safety of our stakeholders, team members and our communities. We have adjusted our service delivery and programs based on the current expert advice. You can read about our programs by clicking the below button.

Keeping Active:

Physical activity matters during this period and we think it’s more important than ever right now.

Being active in a way that is right for you, can improve your physical health, help manage stress and anxiety and just generally make you feel better.

We are working with VicHealth and Sport & Recreation Victoria around identifying some great ways for people to stay active during this unprecedented time.

We recommend going for a run, a walk or a ride on your own or with an immediate family member.

Also, check out your State Sporting Association’s facebook page, they’re sharing innovative ways that club members can stay in touch with their sport at home.

We are constantly collating ideas to keep active during the current environment.