The Network will provide a safe, open, and inclusive environment that gives a voice to a diverse range of women, girls, and their advocates within the greater Shepparton region. This will be an opportunity to meet and work together to address, improve and trial innovative, approaches that aim to improve sport and recreation participation for women and girls. As well as better the current experiences that females are already involved in.
The Network not only targets on-field/active participation, but also involvement in all levels of sport administration, leadership, education, and social sport participation.
Applications to join the network are open to all genders, backgrounds, demographics, sporting codes and recreation settings, however, applicants must:
We are especially looking to create a diverse and inclusive network that aims to represent our whole community and anyone who identifies with any of the following groups is highly encouraged to apply.
Applications to join the network can be made by clicking the button below. For any further questions please call (03) 58318456 or email
About The Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF) provides funding for community cricket facility projects, with a focus on growing participation and promoting greater access for
What Do These Changes Mean For My Club? Liquor Control Victoria have made mandatory changes to required signage for licenced premises. Licensees are required by