The Our Sporting Future Program has been established to assist community sporting organisations with the implementation of small to medium sized facility development projects and development programs for new and emerging sporting organisations across the municipality.
To read the guidelines, please click here
Available Grants/Funding Categories
Sports Aid
Sports Aid will provide funding between $500 and $1,000 (without matching contributions) for the following types of projects:
- projects that provide support to new and developing sporting organisations;
- projects for special access and/or participation projects (that have not been tried before) i.e. a junior program to attract more members or a program that targets a specific group that have not been involved before with the organisation; and/or
- planning initiatives that address the future sport and recreation needs of the club/organisation i.e. strategic or business plan, facility plan or detail design work on a facility improvement.
Women and Girls
Women & Girls will provide funding towards programs that increase opportunities for women and girls in sports clubs for development programs or training between $500 and $1,000 (without matching contributions) for the following types of programs:
- Leadership development programs including governance and leadership programs or training
- Development programs aimed at increasing participation skills or official accreditation/training e.g. female football umpires course, netball umpires courses for junior girls
Junior & Youth Participation
Youth Participation will provide funding towards initiatives to increase participation in sport for teams/sport between sixteen and eighteen years of age where significant decrease in participation has occurred over previous 1-3 years, for between $500 and $1,000 (without matching contributions) for the following types of projects:
- Development programs or skills training to assist the engagement of youth participation in community sport where participation has decreased (decreased participation levels to be demonstrated)
- Purchase of uniforms to help increase participation in youth aged teams where participation has significantly decreased (decreased participation levels to be demonstrated with evidence provided from State Sporting Association’s or Leagues)
How to apply?
For more information, please click here.
Applications close: 17 March 2024
If you have any questions or would like assistance with your application, please contact (03) 5831 8456 or clubsupport@valleysport.net.au