Unsure what licence is required for your business or event?
Our liquor licence selector tool aims to give you a better understanding of the process and will help guide you towards making the right selection.
The liquor licence selector tool asks you a range of questions regarding the planned activities for your business or event. It will then point you in the right direction to find a Victorian liquor licence type that meets your requirements.
You may not always require a licence. More information about the different licence categories is available to help you confirm if the licence you have chosen is correct.
Find a license for Sporting clubs, membership clubs:
Applying for a BYO permit
- Permits members and guests of members to bring their own alcohol to be consumed on the club premises only.
Applying for a restricted club licence
- Permits the supply of alcohol to members and guests for drinking on club premises.
Applying for a renewable limited club licence
- Permits the supply of alcohol to a member or guest of a member:
For drinking on the premises only (take away not permitted)
From a point of sale during sporting events for drinking outside the licensed premises (for example, from a canteen or marquee), provided specific approval is first obtained.
- Please note that to qualify for this licence, the supply of liquor must be substantially limited in nature or scope.
Applying for a full club licence
- Required for gaming venues.
- Permits the supply of alcohol to members, guests and gaming visitors for drinking on the premises, and for members to take away.
To find out how to vary license details or transfer a licence, please click here