Year Joined – September 2018
Current position – Senior Project Officer – Gender Equity Officer
Employment History:
- Research Support Assistant: SHAPE Research Centre – Flinders University
- Research Assistant – Monash University (homophobic language in male sporting clubs)
- Research Assistant (5 different projects: parents, girls and Australian football, Fitspiration, Masters Athletes, Right Bite, WIL)
- Surf Sports Project Officer
- Flinders University Topic Tutor (2 topics)
- Ambassador – Discipline of Exercise and Health Sciences
- Project Manager – Flinders University Lifestyle Intervention Program
Education History:
- Degree of Bachelor of Health Sciences – Flinders University
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Major Health Promotion) – Flinders University
- Diploma of Fitness
- Certificate IV Training and Assessment
What has been the highlight of your time at Valley Sport so far?
Helping clubs gain a greater understanding of gender equality and how to become a gender equitable club.
Hobbies and interests outside of work:
Spending time with family and friends, walking, games nights, enjoying good food and giving lots of love to any animal I meet. Having a social time in any sport.
Favourite sporting highlight or experience:
My favourite spectating experiences include attending the Adelaide Football Club Women’s inaugural match in 2017 and the 2019 Grand Final at Adelaide Oval against Carlton. The crowd, atmosphere, love and support was something that I will never forget. I love watching the W-league. Adelaide’s semi-successful 2016/2017 season was highly memorable. Getting to watch the calibre of these league’s grow has been wonderful.
In your time at Valley Sport you would like to accomplish…
Helping sport and active recreation clubs across the Goulburn Valley to be safe, welcoming and inclusive environments for girls and women.