
Valley Sport is pleased to be partnering with Surfing Victoria to bring stand up paddle boarding to Shepparton’s Victoria Park Lake February – March 2023. 

Community Connects Multicultural Stand up Paddle boarding (SUP) is a fun program for Shepparton’s Multicultural Youth to try something new, get outside and connect with others.

The program includes 4 sessions, hosted by qualified instructors, with the final session being an open invitation to friends and families of the participants to be part of the day, and share some food/bbq afterwards.

The program is FREE to take part, everything is provided, each session caters to approximately 16 participants, from 8 to 25 year-olds, and usually runs for 1.5 hours. It will run at Lake Victoria, near the Shepparton Rowing Club on Tom Collins Drive, Shepparton.

Upcoming Dates

  • Tuesday 14th February 4pm
  • Tuesday 28th February 4pm
  • Tuesday 14th March 4pm
  • Tuesday 28th March 4pm

Bookings can be made here. For more information please contact ali@surfingvic.com or (03) 5261 2907.