
The Access and Inclusion Grant through the Greater Shepparton City Council supports local businesses, not for profit organisations and community groups to improve access and inclusion for people with disabilities. The grant is spilt into two funding streams.

Funding Available

The Access and Inclusion Grant is spilt into two funding streams:

Stream 1: Access & Inclusion Grant 

Non-Capital Grants Funding for access and inclusion improvements for people with disabilities to businesses and not for profit organisations of a non-structural nature. Funding of up to, but not exceeding $1,000 on a 1:1 matching basis (in-kind and/or financial), per successful application.

Stream 2: Universal Access & Inclusion Grant 

Minor Capital Grants Funding for renovations to improve access for people with disabilities to business premises. Funding of up to, but not exceeding $10,000, on a 4:1 matching basis (financial), per successful application. 


To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • be a properly constituted legal entity or be auspice by such a body that is able, and willing, to accept legal and financial responsibility for the project
  • be free of debt to Greater Shepparton City Council and have no outstanding acquittals from previous Greater Shepparton City Council grant programs
  • be based within the municipality of Greater Shepparton or provide services or benefits primarily to the Greater Shepparton community
  • have sufficient funds available to satisfy the matching requirement of the Access and Inclusion Grant Program
  • have the required building / planning permission to carry out the proposals sought by the grant application and prior to undertaking works
  • have demonstrated full compliance with any existing building and/or planning requirements of Greater Shepparton City Council and/or any other statutory building authority/ies
  • ensure all relevant approvals and permits are sought and written notification is received on this matter from the grant recipient for the proposed works under this grants program, within a four-month period of the date of funding offer. .

How to Apply

For more information, please click here.

Applications close: Friday 1st September 2023

If you have any questions or would like assistance with your application, please contact (03) 5831 8456 or clubsupport@valleysport.net.au