Flood Recovery

Our thoughts go out to everyone across the region who has been or will be impacted by flooding. The images we see both from individuals and sporting clubs are devastating, but seeing strangers come together to help their community is heartwarming. We particularly love seeing sporting clubs calling for and organising volunteers to help with prevention and recovery efforts.

We encourage you to reach out to your club members to check on their wellbeing. We know that for many people, sporting clubs are a major source of physical, mental and social wellbeing, so for some, knowing their club is thinking of them may be a big help.

We understand that many of you will still be dealing with your own personal circumstances, however when the time is right to return to your club, Valley Sport and Regional Sport Victoria (RSV) are here to help.

Flood Recovery Website

Regional Sport Victoria has developed a website resource to keep clubs updated with flood recovery information relating to sporting clubs, including grants. As further information comes to light, this page will be updated accordingly, so keep an eye on our updates and this webpage to ensure you are across everything available to assist your club. Visit here

Valley Sport Support

Valley Sport is currently working with both State and Local Government to advocate for support to sporting clubs, and help relay relevant information to you, and we can provide direct support to your club navigating the recovery process and applying for grant relief. Please email clubsupport@stgvalleysport.wpenginepowered.com  


To stay up to date with the latest Sport and Recreation news across our region please follow us on social media:

Get Involved

Numerous clubs are facing an enormous clean up task and will require the assistance of numerous volunteers and community members. If you are wanting to assist a local community sports club with their clean up but don’t know where to start, please fill out the below survey and Valley Sport will assist help you identify a local club. 

Clubs who are requiring more volunteers to help with the clean up and are planning on hosting a club working bee, please email clubsupport@stgvalleysport.wpenginepowered.com with details and we will be happy to share them with our local contacts.