We are here for you
You can message us or email clubsupport@valleysport.net.au and a team member will get in contact with you. For current sport related information, or the latest covid-19 updates you can visit our website: https://valleysport.net.au/
Virtual Valley 30
Remember our Virtual Valley 30 challenge we ran last year? You too can participate in 30 minutes of physical activity everyday and set your own time frame whether it is for 30 days or 10! #virtualvalley30
Why not tag a friend to pass the challenge onto them!
For information about last years event that you can recreate, visit: https://valleysport.net.au/30-minutes-30-days-virtualvalley30/
Morning routine
Start your mornings how you choose.. Whether it is like the example below or you could practice gratitude, plan a goal, go on a morning walk, clean your room, do some zumba, it’s up to you!
Ways you can move
If you are in isolation or spending time on social media more often than normal, it is a good idea to take some time to visit Get Active Victoria to complete a workout, a physical challenge, a game – discover some of the ways you can move more and get your 30 minutes a day. It’s great fun! https://www.getactive.vic.gov.au/around-home/
Being active outdoors
🌞Being active outdoors in the fresh air is a great feeling. We cannot participate in sport and organised physical activity at the moment, so lets use active transport such a walking or riding a bike/skateboard/scooter to the supermarket or to get a coffee instead of a car. Alternatively, you can drive 2kms from the venue and walk the rest of the way. Take time out of your day to be outside and enjoy the sunshine, whether it is for fifteen minutes or an hour🌞
Thank you
With covid bringing many uncertainties, it’s time to focus on the amazing sporting community. People within sport and recreation clubs give it their all each week, it is important to be proud of your efforts. From trainers to gatekeepers and everyone in between. Thank you to all involved, your willingness to help does not go unnoticed. Positive attitudes and being able to adapt in this current environment are applauded. Community sport and recreation is more than just performance and results. How good is the cheering from supporters and the social events? Until sport can resume, check in with those around you, obey the rules and stay safe.
Services available
Lockdowns have had a large impact on sport and recreation leagues, clubs and groups. A lot of people are feeling exhausted with the current situation, you are not the only one, lets get through this together. It is a good idea to reach out and check in with players, volunteers and club members. There is support available. Take a look at the list of services and reach out if you need.