Desirable Attributes:


The Secretary should:

  • be organized
  • have computer skills
  • be a good communicator
  • be able to keep confidential matters confidential.


The more standard duties include: (previously Public Officer)

  • Notify Consumer Affairs of the Secretary appointment or a change of the Secretary’s details
  • Notify Consumer Affairs of a change of the association’s registered address by lodging a Change of Association Details form. No fee is required.
  • Within 1 month after the annual general meeting, lodge an Annual Statement and other required financial documents with the prescribed fee.
  • 3.1 Obtain from Treasurer Annual Income and Expenditure Statement and Assets and Liability Statement
  • Apply to Consumer Affairs for approval to alter your rules within 28 days after the alteration was passed by special resolution. An Application for Alteration of Rules or Purpose must be lodged with the prescribed fee.


More unusual duties that can arise:

  • Apply to the Registrar for approval of a name change within 1 month after passing a special resolution. An Application for Change of Association Name must be lodged with the prescribed fee.
  • Notify the Consumer Affairs of a special resolution in relation to wind up and distribution of the assets of the association. for forms and details of fees etc.


Administrative roles include:

  • Maintain committee and club records
  • Manage Minutes of Committee meetings, including either recording the Minutes or ensuring the Minutes Secretary does so
  • Develop meeting agendas in consultation with other Committee members and distribute prior to the meeting
  • Be familiar with all current Club documents
  • Be responsible for ensuring that accurate and sufficient documentation exists to meet legal requirements
  • Enable and authorise people to help with the Committee’s business.  This includes signing a copy of the final approved Minutes and ensuring that the signed copy is maintained
  • Ensure that the records of the Club are maintained as required by law and made available when required by authorised persons.  These records may include founding documents, lists of Committee members, Committee meeting Minutes, financial reports, and other official records
  • Ensure that official records are maintained of members of the Club and Committee.  He / she ensures that these records are available when required for reports, elections, referenda, other votes, etc.
  • Provide an up-to-date copy of the Constitution and bylaws at all meetings.
  • Ensure that proper notification is given of Committee and Club meetings as specified in the rules
  • Manage the general correspondence of the Committee except for such correspondence assigned to others
  • Help and lead the Committee in providing systematic communication from the Committee to Club members and other relevant stakeholders
  • Provide a summary of Committee Minutes for distribution to all Club members via website and noticeboards
  • The Secretary may also be the nominated person to receive and file relevant Police Check records or Working with Children documentation.