Healthy Clubs Healthy People

Governance, Skills and Capacity Building Grants – Murrindindi Shire Council

July 14 2020, Grants

The Governance, Skills and Capacity Building grants supports businesses, not-for-profit community groups and organisations, and Committees of Management to meet governance requirements, develop new skills

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GV Harmony Cup hit Shepparton

March 10 2020, Grants

It was a great day at Princess Park Shepparton for the GV Harmony Cup! Congratulations to Bendigo SDS, winners of the GV Harmony Cup defeating

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Sporting Schools Funding Open

October 24 2018, Grants

Sporting opportunities for children are set to expand now that primary schools can apply for funding through the Australian Government’s $100 million Sporting Schools programme.

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Local Sporting Champions

October 19 2018, Grants

The Local Sporting Champions program provides financial assistance for coaches, officials and competitors aged 12-18 participating in state, national or international championships.

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Little Athletics Score Big

August 25 2018, Grants

With a passion for supporting community sport and recreation, Valley Sport have provided the Murrindindi Little Athletics Club with a much-needed equipment upgrade as a

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